High Quality Replica Alexander Wang Handbags

2010 Year, Replica Alexander Wang Handbags are so hot !
Wang first full collection of women’s wear launched in 2007. After that he was nominated for a 2008 Council of Fashion Designers of America, and then won a $1,000,000 prize as the CDFA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award winner.

2010 Year, Replica Alexander Wang Handbags are so hot ! Wang first full collection of women’s wear launched in 2007. After that he was nominated for a 2008 Council of Fashion Designers of America, and then won a $1,000,000 prize as the CDFA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award winner.


As a Native Californian, Alexander Wang was born and raised in San Francisco and has a Chinese-American family heritage. At the age of 18, he moved to New York CIty where he attended Parson’s Design School and partook in a variety of internships. By his sophomore year, Alex was already designing the first collection of his label Alexander Wang, which was predominately knits. He launched his full women’s collection in 2007, selling internationally to over 150 boutiques and retail stores. He now resides in New York City’s Lower Eastside, where there is never a shortage of inspiration in music, life, reality and culture. In 2008, Alex was recognized by the fashion industry with the Ecco Domani Emerging Designer Award, and with a nomination for the 2008 CFDA Swarovski Womens Wear Designer of the Year Award. Most recently, he was chosen as one of the ten finalists for the Vogue/CFDA Fashion Fund Award.

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